To prepare a Wavence NE for NFM-P management

General information

The following procedures describe how to prepare Wavence devices (and variants) for commissioning before NFM-P can manage them.

Perform this procedure to configure an SNMP user, the required security mediation policy, and discovery rule for a Wavence NE.

Note: Ensure that you create the mediation policy based on whether the Wavence device supports SNMPv2 or SNMPv3, along with the appropriate Trap mediation policy with community string.


Create an SNMPv3 user on NFM-P.

  1. Choose Administration→Security→NE User Configuration from the NFM-P main menu. The NE User Configuration form opens.

  2. Click Create. The NE User, Global Policy (Create) form opens.

  3. Configure the parameters as required. For the Access parameter, you must choose the SNMP option.

  4. Click on the SNMPv3 tab and verify that the SNMPv3 user and user group have been created on the managed NE.

    When a user has been assigned the appropriate SNMPv3 permissions, you can configure the following authentication parameters:
    • Authentication Protocol—Choose MD5 as the authentication protocol.

    • Privacy Protocol—Choose No Privacy as the privacy protocol.

    • Set New Authentication Password—enter and confirm a new authorization password.

  5. Click OK to close the form and click Search to confirm the creation of the SNMPv3 user.

Configure an SNMPv3 mediation security policy for the SNMPv3 user created in Step 1.

  1. Choose Administration→Mediation from the NFM-P main menu. The Mediation (Edit) form opens.

  2. Click on the Mediation Security tab and click Create. The Mediation Policy (Create) form opens.

  3. Configure the Displayed Name parameter to identify the policy and set the Security Model parameter to SNMP v3 (USM).

  4. In the SNMP panel, set the Port parameter to 161.

  5. In the SNMPv3 panel, click Select and choose the SNMPv3 user created in Step 1 and click OK. The Mediation Policy (Create) form reappears.

  6. Save your changes and close the forms.

Perform one of the following to configure SNMP management and to create a discovery rule for Wavence devices.

Note: NFM-P uses the default SNMPv2 mediation security policy to discover the Wavence.

  1. To configure a discovery rule that uses SNMPv3 management, see the “Device discovery” chapter in the NSP NFM-P Classic Management User Guide.

  2. To configure a discovery rule that uses SNMPv2 management:

    Perform the following steps:

    1. Choose Administration→Discovery Manager from the NFM-P main menu. The Discovery Manager (Edit) form opens.

    2. Click Create. The Create Discovery Rule step form opens with the Specify General Attributes step displayed.

    3. Configure the parameter as required and click Next. The Add Rule Elements step appears.

    4. Click Create, configure the required parameters, and click OK. The Create Discovery Rule step form reappears.

    5. Click Next. The Add Auto Discovery Rule Elements ACL step appears.

    6. Optionally, click Create, configure the parameter as required, and click Next. The Configure Mediation Security step appears.

    7. Click Select and choose the mediation security policy created in Step 2 in the Read Access, Write Access, Trap Access, and Security Access Mediation policy panels.

    8. Click Finish and close the form. All other steps on the Create Discovery Rule step form are optional for the Wavence.

Use the NFM-P client to discover the NE and to verify that the NE configuration allows management of the Wavence; see the “Device discovery” chapter in the NSP NFM-P Classic Management User Guide.

End of steps