Supported Wavence device objects and auxiliary equipment

General information

NFM-P supports the following Wavence device shelves, objects, and auxiliary equipment:

Supported MSS chassis types

The following MSS chassis types can be managed by NFM-P:

Radio support

The microwave radio is a microprocessor-controlled transceiver that interfaces the MSS with the microwave antenna. A radio can be either an outdoor unit (ODU) or an indoor unit (IDU). Each Wavence chassis connects with one radio, either through a radio modem card or a Core card. Radio units can be configured for protection, that is, one radio unit can protect another. In 1+1 configuration the active radio unit is protected by a standby radio unit: in the event of failure of the active radio the standby radio takes over the active role. If there is no standby radio the configuration is called 1+0.

NFM-P can manage the following radio variants:

The UBT is commissioned in the Wavence element manager. The NFM-P will discover the UBT and display the variant in the Port Usage parameter value in the General tab of the Physical Port (Edit) form.

Fan tray support

The Wavence supports two fan tray types: basic and advanced. For the advanced fan tray, you can configure four ports for housekeeping alarms. See the Wavence documentation for more information about configuring a Wavence fan tray.

LAG objects support

NFM-P supports the following LAG objects on Wavence devices:

See Chapter 10, Wavence LAG object configuration for more information about Wavence LAG objects.

XPIC support

The Cross-Polarization Interference Cancellation (XPIC) function doubles the capacity of a single frequency by using both horizontal and vertical electromagnetic polarizations on a path. This increases capacity while also saving spectrum and antenna costs.

XPIC is required on two Radio interfaces in order to provide additional cross-polarization discrimination and to avoid co-channel interference. See the Wavence documentation for more information about radio support of XPIC and how to use the Wavence element manager to configure XPIC.