To perform an on-demand Wavence software upgrade


Perform this procedure to upgrade the device software on one or more Wavence NEs. Before performing this procedure, review the Wavence software upgrade workflow steps contained in the Software upgrade workflow for the additional information required to complete this procedure.


Choose Administration→NE Maintenance→Software Upgrade from the NFM-P main menu. The Software Upgrade form opens.

Click on the Software Images tab, select the MPR Default software upgrade policy, then the MPR 9500 Software Images tab.

Note: NFM-P performs the upgrade according to the configuration in the software upgrade policy to which the NE is assigned.

Click Import and select a software descriptor file. A software descriptor file has a .DSC extension and must be present on the client system. Other software files do not need to be present on the client system.

Click Upgrade Sites. A list of NEs opens. The list is filtered to display only the device type that is appropriate for the selected software image.

Select one or more NEs and click OK. The software upgrade begins.

Perform one of the following to view the status of the software upgrade as it progresses:

  1. To view a high-level progress status such as “In Progress”, “Completed”, or “Failed”, click on the Software Upgrade Status tab to view the status.

  2. To view the progress of the software upgrade as a percentage of completion:

    1. Select the MPR Default software upgrade policy as outlined in Step 1 and Step 2 of this procedure.

    2. Click on the Software Upgrade Status tab, select the node on which the software upgrade is being performed, and click Properties. The Software Upgrade Status - MPR Default Policy form opens.

    3. Click on the Software Upgrade tab and view the progress of the software upgrade indicated by the Upgrade Percentage Completed (%) parameter.

Proceed to Step 7 after you verify that the files are successfully transferred.

Close the Software Upgrade form. After a successful software upgrade, you must activate the software; see To manage the Wavence running software .

End of steps