To assign a file retrieval policy to a Wavence device


Choose Administration→NE Maintenance→File Retrieval from the NFM-P main menu. The File Retrieval form opens.

Click on the Retrieval Policy tab. A list of file retrieval policies appears.

Select a policy and click on Properties. To modify a policy or create a new one, see To create or modify a file retrieval policy.

The File Retrieval Policy form opens. Click on the File Retrieval Policy Assignment tab. A popup displays giving you an opportunity to filter for the nodes you need to assign; configure the filter, or click OK to close the popup and continue. You can click on the Filter button to adjust or apply the filter as required.

In the Unassigned Sites panel, select the sites to which you need to assign the policy and click on the right arrow. You can continue assigning sites from the list, or use the left arrow to unassign sites.

Click Apply to save and close the form. The policy is applied to the selected sites.

End of steps