To configure a SAP access egress policy


Choose Policies→QoS→SROS QoS→Access Egress→SAP Access Egress from the NFM-P main menu. The SAP Access Egress Policies form opens.

Click Create, or choose a policy in the list and click Properties. The SAP Access Egress Policy (Create|Edit) form opens.

Configure the required general parameters.

Note: For some of the following steps, the tabs are not available until after the policy is created. Click Apply if required to create the policy and make all tabs available.

Note: NEs that support next-generation CLI use the policy name as the key identifier for internal system reference. For policies on these NEs, you must configure a policy name (typically the service name or a numerical string). Policy IDs are also supported. You must configure a numerical range on the NE for auto-assigned policy IDs; see To configure an Auto-ID range for policies.

Configure forwarding classes. You can create up to eight forwarding classes.

  1. Click on the Forwarding Classes tab.

  2. Click Create, or choose a forwarding class and click Properties. The Forwarding Class (Create|Edit) form opens.

  3. Configure the Forwarding Class parameter.

  4. Configure the required parameters in the Dot1p panel.

  5. Save your changes and close the form.

Click OK to save the policy and close the form, or click Apply to save the policy. To distribute the SAP access egress policy, see the “Policies overview” chapter in the NSP NFM-P Classic Management User Guide.

End of steps