What is a device management state?

Management state

The management state parameter describes whether a discovered device is included in the managed network. Available actions in the Manage menu depend on the NE mode, management state, and resync status.

Unmanaging devices

You can unmanage a classic device from the NSP. Unmanaging excludes the device from the managed network. The unmanage function may be used for unusual conditions such as when the NSP requires a complete refresh of device data because of data corruption, or when NEs are decommissioned.

When a device is unmanaged, all current and historical management data is removed, for example, physical links, statistics, and backup files. If the device is managed again, the data is not restored.

If the IP address of this NE is not removed from the associated discovery rule, this NE will be re-managed in the next scanning interval.

If a device is unmanaged in the NFM-P, it is not removed from the NSP.

To unmanage or re-manage a classic device, select the device in the Device Management, Managed Network Elements view. Click png1.png (Table row actions), Manage, Unmanage or Manage.

Note: If you need to unmanage and re-manage an NE with a telemetry subscription configured, a delay may be required to ensure the telemetry subscription will be automatically reinstated. To ensure the telemetry subscription is created again, Nokia recommends waiting at least 15 minutes between unmanaging and re-managing the NE.

Deleting devices

Using the NSP to delete a device completely removes the device from the managed network. All management data is lost.

The next time the discovery rule scans the network, it discovers and manages the device again, or you can run the discovery rule manually.

Changing management states

Available actions in the Manage menu depend on the NE mode and management state. If a management operation is in progress, actions may not be available.

The following table shows available options.

Management State

NE Mode

Available actions in the Manage menu

Managed, Unmanage Failed


Resync, Unmanage, Delete

Not Managed


Manage, Delete

Unmanage Requested, Delete Requested, Unknown


No actions

Not supported


Resync, Delete