How do I configure Zero Touch Provisioning?


This procedure requires the use of multiple functions within NSP, and optionally the NFM-P. For complete configuration details, you may need to consult the following documents:

Import intent types

Download the ZTP zip file to your computer.

Three intent types are included in the zip file: Create_HTTP_User, ZTP-Profile, and Day-0-ZTP.

Import the intent types to NSP:

  1. Open Network Intents, Intent Types.

  2. Click Import.

  3. In the form that opens, navigate to the file you want and click Open.

Evaluate and update the Day-0-ZTP intent type to ensure that it will generate the correct information in the provisioning and day-0 config files.

The primary image file in the bof portion of the provisioning file generated from the intent type must match the information on the compact flash of the device.

Contact Nokia for assistance with this step.

Create an HTTP user

An HTTP user is required to connect to the NSP file server. This step only needs to be performed once.

The file server only supports one HTTP User.

In Network Intents, Intent Types, select the Create_HTTP_User intent type and click Create Intent png2.png.

In the form that opens, configure the parameters and click Create.

Create at least one ZTP profile

A ZTP profile contains template values that can apply to multiple devices.

In Network Intents, Intent Types, select the ZTP-Profile intent type and click Create Intent png2.png.

In the form that opens, configure the required parameters:

  • Choose the management mode: classic, mixed, or model driven.

  • Choose the management connection, for example, in-band.

    For model-driven management, only in-band and out-of-band are available.

    For classic management, the drop-down includes in-band, out-of-band, and in-band-embedded-config. With in-band-embedded-config, the day-0 configuration parameters will be part of the provisioning file. Embedded configuration is only available with supported releases of the 7250 IXR.

  • Choose the NE Type.

Configure additional parameters as needed.

Attention: Static routes are only supported with the out-of-band management connection type.

Click Create.

The ZTP profile is now available.


Create additional ZTP profiles as needed for each set of device parameters.

Create a ZTP intent for each device you want to provision

The ZTP intent will create the provisioning and configuration files.

In Network Intents, Intent Types, select the Day-0-ZTP intent type and click Create Intent png2.png.


In the form that opens, configure the parameters:

  • Enter the DHCP client address for the NE in the ZTP ID field

  • Choose the ZTP profile to apply the template values

  • Enter a unique NE name.

  • Configure the System and Management IP addresses. Enter the IP addresses manually or choose IP Resource Pool for automated IP address assignment. IP resource pools can be created in the Resource Manager menu.

    Note: The System IP address and Management IP address must be different.

  • Choose a discovery rule, and, for classic NEs, an NFM-P discovery rule.


Click Create.

The provisioning and configuration files are created and a new rule element is added to the relevant discovery rule.


Verify and update the day–0 configuration and provisioning files to match network settings, NE card type and port settings. Contact Nokia for assistance.

Verify the information and discover the device

Open Device Management, ZTP Process from the drop-down.

The list of devices for which ZTP is configured is displayed.


Click on an NE to see the details.


Click Export to save the NE information to a JSON file if needed.


Power on the device.

The device completes ZTP and reboots. The discovery status in the ZTP Process list is updated.


In NSP and NFM-P, turn the relevant discovery rules up.

Configure cleanup of the ZTP Process list

Import the ZTP_Purge_Workflow and ZTP_Artifacts_Cleanup workflows from the ZTP zip file into NSP.


Open Workflows, All Workflows.


Choose ZTP_Purge_Workflow.

Note: The ZTP_Purge_Workflow runs ZTP_Artifacts_Cleanup during its operation. Both workflows must be present in NSP.


From the menu at the end of the row, choose Morepng1.png Execute.


Update the retentionDays parameter as needed and click Execute.

The cleanup removes NEs with Success status from the ZTP Process NEs list that have been discovered longer than the configured number of days.


Schedule execution of the ZTP_Purge_Workflow for automated cleanup if needed; see “How do I schedule a workflow?” in the NSP Network Automation Guide.