How do I automate escalating or de-escalating alarms?


You can use an alarm policy to automatically escalate or de-escalate an alarm based on configurable triggers. These settings apply to NSP, WS-NOC, and MDM alarms. NFM-P alarm settings are configured in the NFM-P GUI; see the NFM-P Administrator Guide.

You must have administrator privileges to configure alarm settings.


In the Network Map and Health, Current Alarms view, click on the More png5.png button in the title banner of the current tab and select Settings.

Click on Individual Alarm Policies in the left panel. A list of alarm policies appears.

Select one or more alarm policies. You can use the column headers to filter or sort the list of alarm policies.

Click on (Table row action), Edit. The Alarm Policy edit form appears.

Navigate to the Escalation Policy panel and enable the Escalation Policy parameter.

Configure the Severity parameter to specify a different severity to be applied to the alarm when the frequency threshold is reached.

Select an Escalation Threshold Type. The following table describes the escalation threshold types. De-escalation policies only support the Frequency threshold type.

Threshold type



How many times the alarm has occurred in the last 24 hours.

Number of Occurrences

How many occurrences of the alarm have been reported.

Days without Ack/Clear

How many days have elapsed without the alarm being acknowledged or cleared.

Configure the Escalation Threshold Value parameter for the selected escalation threshold type.

Enable the De-Escalation Policy parameter.


Configure the Severity parameter to a new severity to apply to the alarm when the alarm is de-escalated, and a De-Escalation Threshold Value.


Click Save. The new policy is applied to the alarm.

End of steps