How do I check KPI trending?


You can check the Trend value for KPI behavior from the present time, looking back over the period specified in the Time Range drop-down list.


Open Network Map and Health, Network Health View.

In the Equipment Health, Service Health, or Alarm Summary dashlet, hover over a KPI icon.

A graphic plot displays the KPI over the specified time range, along with KPI Trend, Average, and Peak values.

The Trend value can be:

  • Increasing: more objects/resources have been affected over time

  • Decreasing: fewer objects/resources have been affected over time

  • Delta: the number of affected objects/resources has fluctuated over time, but is currently the same as the initial value (at the beginning of the time range)

Because the plot is meant to display average KPI values, the Peak value may not always appear.

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