How do I navigate the Network Info and Statistics view?

The Network Info and Statistics view

The Network Info and Statistics view provides an at-a-glance summary of the state of the network and provides links to points of interest.

Network Summary

The Network Summary section of the Network Info and Statistics view is comprised of the following subsections:

What is the status of your network?

This subsection displays the overall status of the network, based on the health of the VSR-NRCs and PCEP sessions, which can be viewed individually using the provided buttons png1.png.

What is in your network?

This subsection displays the number of routers, IGP/BGP prefixes, and domains with areas that are in the network. Clicking on Go to router list will take you to the Routers view.

LSPs count

This subsection displays the number PCC-initiated LSPs and PCE-initiated LSPs that are in the network. Clicking on Go to Path List will take you to the LSPs view.

System status

The System status section of the Network Info and Statistics view is comprised of the following subsections:

Link status

This subsection displays the number of links in the network that are operationally Up, Down, or in Maintenance. Clicking on Go to link list will take you to the Links view.

LSP status

This subsection displays the number of LSPs in the network that are operationally Up or Down. Clicking on Go to Path List will take you to the LSPs view.

Link utilization distribution

This subsection displays the percentage of links in the network that are in Critical, High, Target, or Low utilization states. Clicking on Go to link list will take you to the Links view.

Path profiles override

This subsection displays the number of path profile overrides in the network that are Active or Failed. Clicking on View in Path List will take you to the LSPs view, where only the LSPs with path profile overrides configured are displayed.

TE updates

This subsection displays the number of TE updates that have occurred in the network within the selected time frame. Clicking on the drop-down menu will allow you to change the selected time frame.

System automation activities

The System automation activities section of the Network Info and Statistics view is comprised of the following subsections:

Note: The subsections will only display information based on the selected time frame: Last 5 minutes, Last 10 minutes, Last hour, or Total number.

Clicking on system activity logs will take you to that section of the dashboard.

PCEP activities

This subsection displays the number of PCEP requests, replies, reports, updates, and initiations that have occurred in the network within the selected time frame.

Path computation

This subsection displays the number of path computations, re-signal requests, and computation failures that have occurred in the network within the selected time frame.

Top 5 control plane summary

This subsection displays the 5 PCCs that have experienced the most PCEP requests, replies, reports, updates, and initiations within the selected time frame. Clicking on View full list will display a list of all PCCs and the amount of activity that has occurred on each.

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