What is a path profile policy?

Path profile policies

A path profile policy is configured to provide a set of rules that determine how LSPs will be routed through the network. These rules ensure that the paths of the LSPs are optimized in order to meet specified criteria. Pairs of LSPs whose paths will have an affect on one another should have the same path profile policy applied to them, and be made part of the same path profile group. These include bi-directional LSPs (which follow the same path in opposing directions) and disjoint LSPs (which follow paths that must be diverse from one another).

Note: LSPs can follow paths that are both bi-directional and disjoint from one another.

For information about creating a path profile policy, see How do I create a path profile policy?.

For information about applying a path profile policy and a path profile group to an LSP, see How do I create PCE-initiated LSPs?.

Note: When an existing path profile policy is modified, the changes are not automatically applied to the LSPs using that policy. In order for the changes to be applied, those LSPs must first be re-signaled. By default, this occurs automatically every 30 minutes, though they can be re-signaled manually at any time.

Note: Some third-party LSPs do not support the direct application of path profile policies. In this case, the user can force the LSP to inherit the set of rules configured in a path profile policy by applying a path profile override. For more information, see How do I apply a path profile override?.

Path profile policy parameters

The following section describes some of the options available when configuring certain path profile policy parameters.

Bi-directional — this parameter specifies whether or not a pair of LSPs must follow the same path (in opposing directions). The options are:

Disjoint — this parameter specifies whether or not a pair of LSPs must follow paths that are diverse from one another. The options are:

Optimize On (Objective) — this parameter specifies the primary goal when identifying potential paths for LSPs to follow. The options are:

Bandwidth Strategy — this parameter specifies the strategy that will be used to determine interface and LSP bandwidth. The options are:

Explicit Route Strategy — this parameter specifies the strategy to use when calculating the explicit route object (ERO). The options are:

Note: The traffic route between loose hops is not tracked as it is generally not known (due to ECMP) and is therefore not maintained by NSP. As a result, NSP will not use telemetry to keep track of utilization for loose hop-routed LSPs. It does, however, use telemetry to determine the utilization of all other LSPs that have been configured to use telemetry as their bandwidth strategy.

Note: If the Explicit Route Strategy is set to Compressed, the label stack of the computed path will only be compressed if it exceeds the maximum stack depth that has been requested or configured.

BSID generation parameters — these parameters control BSID selection and/or BSID generation rules when computing a path result. The options are:

Compressed Fallback parameters — these parameters specify one or more actions that can be taken in order to keep an LSP with the Explicit Route Strategy of Compressed from going down when its label stack cannot be compressed below the configured maximum stack depth. When multiple options are enabled, they will each be attempted in sequence, until a suitable alternate path is found. The options are:

Note: If the Compressed Fallback Loose Hop parameter is used to find a path, all path tracking and traffic engineering will be disabled.

Note: The last calculation behavior decision that was made can be viewed under the LSP details.

Explicit Route Strategy ECMP Preference — this parameter specifies the type of SID that will be preferred when calculating the ERO for an LSP that has been configured with the Explicit Route Strategy of ECMP. The options are:

Control Route Strategy — this parameter specifies whether an LSP is able to reroute, or must remain on its current path. The options are:

SID Protection Strategy — this parameter specifies the extent of SID protection to be used when routing a path. The options are:

Note: The SID Protection Strategy parameter is applied as a constraint when evaluating adjacency SID eligibility during path calculation. The ‘Backup Flag’ identified in the IGP information is evaluated to determine whether a SID is protected or not.

Latency Threshold — this parameter specifies when to re-signal an LSP that is optimized on latency. If the parameter is set to 0, indicating no change in latency, the LSP is automatically re-signaled when its end-to-end latency (the sum of all link latencies along the path) increases. If the parameter is set to a value less than 0, this automatic re-signal does not occur. If the parameter is set to a value greater than 0, the LSP is re-signaled when its end-to-end latency is greater than the defined threshold. If a path cannot be found that is below the Latency Threshold, the LSP will not be brought down, but an alarm will be raised. The LSP is brought down when no path that satisfies the max latency constraint can be found. The default value is -1.

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