How do I view LSP path history?

LSP path history

Users of the NSP's path control function can view historical PCEP (RSVP or SR-TE) LSP data - including path history, IGP topology changes, and changes to bandwidth and latency - using REST APIs. To enable this functionality, the following APIs must be executed:

PATCH /sdn/api/v4/nsp/configuration/nrcp-historical

GET /sdn/api/v4/nsp/configuration/nrcp-historical

Where NSP_cluster is the IP address of the NSP cluster.

Once executed, historical LSP data is sent to the NSP's historical application and stored in a database. Additional APIs are then used to retrieve historical LSP data, as well as configure data retention policies. For more information, see the Network Developer Portal.

By default, the database used by the NSP's historical application to store historical LSP data is the PostgreSQL database, however - if an auxiliary database configuration is present in the nsp-config.yml file - installation scripts will detect this and instead store the historical data in the auxiliary database. This can be overruled by setting the app.auxdb_enabled parameter in the auxdb.conf file to false and restarting the NSP server. The auxdb.conf file is located at /opt/nsp/configure/config/ where the NSP historical application is deployed.

Note: For large networks, Nokia recommends that historical LSP data be sent to the auxiliary database.

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