How do I create a broadcast link?


Note: Nodes must have been imported or added before a link can be successfully added. See How do I import a network? or How do I add a node? for more information.


From either the Path Simulation, Network Map view or the Path Simulation, Links view, click png5.png and choose Create Broadcast Link from the contextual menu. A creation form appears.

In the Identification panel, configure the required parameters:



Admin Domain

Specifies the administrative domain in which to create the link


Specifies the protocol to apply to the link


Specifies the link source

New Subnet

Specifies whether or not a new subnet will be created


Specifies the link destination

In the Link Characteristics panel, configure the required parameters:



IP Address

Specifies the IP address of the destination node (forward direction) or source node (reverse direction)


Specifies the maximum cost to consider


Specifies the maximum latency to consider

Traffic engineering parameters

The below parameters are only configurable when the Enable Traffic Engineering slider is enabled

Bandwidth (Mbps)

Specifies the maximum bandwidth to consider

Admin Group

Specifies the admin group to which the link will belong


Specifies the SRLG to which the link will belong

TE Metric

Specifies the maximum TE metric to consider


Specifies whether or not the link will be RSVP


Specifies whether or not the link will be SR

Perform one of the following:

  1. Click on the CREATE button that features a refresh icon png2.png. The link is added to the network topology and the form remains open for further additions.

  2. Click CREATE. The link is added to the network topology.

End of steps

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