Core NSP technologies

Java Virtual Machine

NSP employs Java technology. The NSP installation software includes a Java Virtual Machine, or JVM that is dedicated to the NSP and does not conflict with other JVMs that may be installed on the same station. NSP uses OpenJDK 8 and OpenJDK 11.

A version of the Oracle JVM is also embedded with the NFM-P database. This embedded versions of the Oracle JVM is fully licensed through Nokia and can only be used for their embedded purpose..


A NSP deployment has multiple databases. NSP PCE has a Neo4j database for network topology information. The nspOS component has a PostgreSQL database for policy management and common applications data, and a Neo4j database for topology data for the Map Server. NSP's IP/optical coordination function contains a Neo4j database for network topology information.

A Neo4j database contains a graphical representation of the network topology and its elements in a multi-layer graph. The installation of the Neo4j database is customized for, and must be dedicated to, the NSP. Data redundancy and replication within an HA cluster is managed within the neo4j instances.

The PostgreSQL database contains non-topological NSP information, including policies, templates, and nspOS common model data. PostgreSQL is an open source database application.

PostgreSQL database redundancy is managed by the role-manager. In a redundant configuration of the NSP, the active NSP cluster hosts the primary PostgreSQL database. The standby NSP cluster hosts the standby PostgreSQL database.

In an HA NSP cluster deployment, one PostgreSQL database in the NSP cluster is selected as the primary database and the other in the NSP cluster is standby. If the active pod fails, then the standby member is promoted to primary database. In a redundant HA configuration of NSP, the standby datacenter databases are updated as standby databases.

Note: Nokia does not support any PostgreSQL database configuration that deviates from the NSP installation procedure.

Nokia does not support direct customer access to the Neo4j and PostgreSQL databases.

NFM-P Oracle database

The NFM-P database embeds an installation of Oracle 19c Enterprise Edition, which is installed with the NFM-P database. This database is used to store information about the managed network. The installation of Oracle is customized for use with the NFM-P application and must be dedicated to NFM-P. NFM-P database redundancy uses Oracle DataGuard, and is configured in maximum performance mode.

Nokia will not support any configuration deviations from the Oracle installation as performed by the NFM-P database installation package, as it represents an NFM-P License Agreement Violation. Modifying the Oracle installation can impact system performance, stability and upgrades. Customer support agreements may be violated.

Access to the Oracle database is restricted to the NFM-P application. Direct user access to the database is strictly forbidden.

The Oracle database is embedded with NFM-P and because of this, Oracle requires all licenses to be purchased from Nokia. This applies to customers with Oracle Site licenses as well.

Oracle’s official support position for running Oracle database 19c, embedded within NFM-P, on VMware hosted virtual environments is described in Oracle Support Note 249212.1. Oracle will provide support for those running on VMware virtualized environments. In addition, VMware has a public statement committing to assist with resolving Oracle database issues. Nokia will work with Oracle and VMware to resolve any NFM-P database issues but problem resolution times may be impacted in some cases.

Oracle's official support position for running Oracle Database 19c, embedded within NFM-P, on RHEL KVM hosted virtual environments is that Oracle does not certify any of their products in this environment. Nokia will work with Oracle and Red Hat to resolve any NFM-P database issues but due to the lack of Oracle support, problem resolution times may be impacted in some cases. Customers must be aware of and must accept this risk when choosing to run NFM-P in a RHEL KVM virtualized environment.

NSP auxiliary database

Embedded within the NSP auxiliary database is a Vertica database.

Similar to the Oracle support statement, Nokia will not support any configuration deviations from the installation as performed by the installation package, as it represents an NSP License Agreement Violation. Modifying the installation can impact system performance, stability and upgrades. Customer support agreements may be violated.

Network mediation

The NSP application has southbound interfaces that consist of plug-ins that interact with the NFM-P using CPROTO and HTTP protocols secured with TLS. The NFM-P manages IP network elements using SNMP.

The NSP communicates with MDM using gRPC, and MDM communicates with network elements using gRPC/gNMI, NETCONF, SNMP and CLI over SSH or Telnet.

For LSP management functions of the NSP, a VSR-NRC communicates with the PCC network elements via PCEP, IGP, and BGPLS. For flow control functions, the VSR-NRC OpenFlow Controller communicates with OpenFlow Switches using the OpenFlow protocol.

The WS-RC is installed with WS-NOC to provide a TLS secured REST API for optical network discovery and service provisioning. The WS-NOC uses TL-1 and SNMP to manage optical switches.

Browser applications


View of network can be affected

Browser applications' view of the network can be affected whenever activities are drawing heavily on CPU and memory usage.

This can happen when a large number of services are being created, modified, or deleted via the NSP REST APIs.

The NSP provides functionality using browser-based NSP applications. These applications require that WebGL be enabled and use standard REST security mechanisms for authentication and authorization. All NSP applications are HTML-5 based and are supported on the following web browsers:

Additional Internet browsers and older versions may function with NSP applications but are not supported by Nokia.

Note: You cannot switch browsers between clients or applications. You must always use the system default browser.

Note: In order for the Safari web browser to open the Analytics application, you must ensure that the following Safari privacy settings are configured, if present in your browser version:

Note: If you are using Chrome or Firefox on Windows 8.1, it is recommended that you enable ClearType Text for optimal viewing of fonts. To enable, open the Display settings in Windows Control Panel and enable the Turn on ClearType parameter under the Adjust ClearType text settings.

Localized language support

All NSP applications support localized language display. Localized language display, also known as internationalization, displays GUI text in a specified language. The localized language setting applies to most GUI objects, except system components and database objects. Contact Nokia technical support for more information about localized language support.

Note: The NSP components support localized language settings using predefined strings, and do not translate data to different languages.


The NSP applications provide northbound REST and RESTCONF APIs with Swagger-compliant documentation. Each northbound API supports queries, service-creation requests, and other functions. See the Network Developer Portal for information.