What is a network state?

Network state

The network state of an intent shows its deployment status to the network.

NSP offers several options for the network state of an intent. The intent type script declares the recommended implementation of the state. Synchronizing the intent performs the implementation.

When an intent is audited, the Audit operation compares the configuration on the target to the network state.

See the Network Intents tutorial on the Network Developer Portal for information about how network states are programmed, and how they are managed by the API.

The following table provides an example of the way the network states are recommended to be used, for an intent type that creates services.

Network State

Description based on a service creation example


The intent is created and the service entity name will be reserved.

The user can edit the intent to resume creation when needed.


The service resources are reserved.


The intent must be activated before it can be deployed.


Remove suspension and send the configuration to the network.


The desired configuration is sent down to the network.

Not Present

The service is removed from the network, but its resources remain reserved.