What mediators are available?

Mediator types

NSP is shipped with mediators for model-driven mediation (the MDC mediator) and for classic management (the NFM-P mediator). Depending on how a networking device is managed, the appropriate mediator is used.

The NFM-P mediator can be used to provide helper functions to the SAM-O XML API and to other applications that use intents, such as Service Management and Inventory Configuration Management. To allow this, the XML API username and password attributes in the helm chart values file (values.yaml) must match the NSP credentials of an active user with the OSS Management role.

Multiple NFM-P mediators may be used for multi-NFM-P deployment scenarios. These mediators, in addition to simplifying communication, provide a high-level inventory of the devices they manage. This allows NSP to provide information about which mediator is in use for communication with a specific device.

In addition to the NFM-P and MDC mediators, there is a common NSP mediator that can communicate with any NSP component, which allows for advanced use-cases like path control or telemetry collection controlled by an intent type.

Generic mediators can be configured to integrate with external controllers; see the NSP System Administrator Guide for configuration information. A generic mediator can be used with any REST or RESTCONF endpoint.