To create or modify a specific MIB statistics policy using a top-down method


Choose Tools→Statistics→MIB Policies from the NFM-P main menu. The Manage MIB Statistics Policies form opens.

Choose Specific MIB Statistics Policy (SNMP).

Specify a filter to create a filtered list of MIB statistics policies, if required, and click Search. A list of MIB statistics policies is displayed.

Click Create, or choose a MIB statistics policy from the list and click Properties. The Specific MIB Statistics Policy form (Create|Edit) opens.

Note: When you change a MIB statistics policy for an object statistics class, the change applies to each object that uses the statistics class.

Configure the required parameters.

Note: To view statistics on the NFM-P GUI, you must set the Administrative State parameter of the MIB statistics policy to UP and the Polling Admin State parameter must be set to UP.

Click Select. The Specific Stats Polling Policy form opens.

Choose an object type from the list and click OK. The Specific Stats Polling Policy form closes and the Specific MIB Statistics Policy form reappears with the object type displayed in the Monitored Class Name field.

Click Apply. The Specific MIB Statistics Policy form refreshes to display additional tabs.

Click on the Monitored Objects tab.


Click Add. The Select monitored_object for Specific MIB Statistics Policy form opens.


Configure the filter criteria and click Search. A list of monitored objects is displayed.


Select one or more objects in the list and click OK. The Select monitored_object for Specific MIB Statistics Policy form closes and the Specific MIB Statistics Policy form reappears with the selected objects listed.


Click OK.


Save your changes and close the forms.

End of steps