Server performance statistics


Server performance statistics provide NFM-P system information regarding memory usage, alarm counters, and network management activity. The information in a performance statistic record includes the following:

Table 10-7: Server performance statistics properties



Monitored Object

Detailed information about the object for which the statistics are collected

Monitored Object Name

Name of the object for which the statistics are collected

Periodic Time

Time difference between one data record collection period and the next

Record Type

Type of collection, for example, Scheduled Full or On-demand

Time Captured

Time when the statistics were collected

Table 10-8: Monitored NFM-P servers per statistics policy

Server performance statistics policy

Monitored servers

Alarm Rate

Main server

Application Assurance Statistics Collection

Main server

Auxiliary server

Assurance Event Rate

Main server


Main server

JMS Durable Sessions

JMS server

JMS Topic

JMS server

NFM-P Event Log

Main server

Node Resync

Main server

OAM PM event

Main server

Auxiliary server

PCMD Collector

Auxiliary server

Publisher CPAM Event

Main server

Publisher MAP Event

Main server

Publisher Object Event

Main server

Publisher Queue Event

Main server

Publisher Realtime Event

Main server

Publisher XML Event

Main server

Server Memory

Main server

Auxiliary server

JMS server


Main server

Statistics Collection

Main server

Auxiliary server

STM Event

Main server

TCA Rate

Main server

XML API Find to File Request

Main server

XML API Request

Main server

XML Find Request

Main server

Table 10-9: Server performance statistics counter information

Server performance statistics class

Counter name

Counter description

Alarm Rate

Alarm Total

Total number of alarms


Count of cleared alarms


Count of condition alarms


Count of critical alarms


Count of indeterminate alarms


Count of information alarms


Count of major alarms


Count of minor alarms


Count of warning alarms

Application Assurance Statistics Collection (subset of Statistics Collection)

Maximum Processing Time

Maximum processing time for AA statistics files during the collection interval

Minimum Processing Time

Minimum processing time for AA statistics files during the collection interval

Total Processing Time

Total processing time for AA statistics files during the collection interval

Average Processing Time

Average processing time for AA statistics files during the collection interval

AA Stats Failure

Number of AA statistics files that have not been processed due to errors related to transfer or parsing. This count is also included in the AA Stats Failure statistic under the generic Statistics Collection record.

AA Stats Pending

Number of AA statistics data rows that have been read but not processed. This count is also included in the AA Stats Pending statistic under the generic Statistics Collection record.

AA Stats Processed

Number of AA statistics data rows processed and converted to NFM-P statistics records. This count is also included in the AA Stats Processed statistic under the generic Statistics Collection record.

AA Stats Total

Total number of AA statistics data rows read from accounting files. This count is also included in the AA Stats Total statistic under the generic Statistics Collection record.

File AA Stats Pending

Number of AA files transferred from NEs that are waiting to be processed. This count is also included in the File AA Stats Pending statistic under the generic Statistics Collection record.

File AA Stats Processed

Number of AA statistics files that have been read and processed into statistics records. This count is also included in the File AA Stats Processed statistic under the generic Statistics Collection record.

File AA Stats Total

Number of AA statistics files that have been transferred from NEs. This count is also included in the File AA Stats Total statistic under the generic Statistics Collection record.

JMS Durable Sessions

Filtered Event Vessel Average Size

Average size of filtered event vessels sent during subscriber session

Filtered Event Vessel Count

Count of filtered event vessels sent during subscriber session

Filtered Event Vessel Max Size

Size of largest filtered event vessels sent during subscriber session

Filtered Event Vessel Min Size

Size of smallest event vessel sent during subscriber session

Current Message Count

Total messages queued for durable XML subscriber session at collection time

JMS Topic

Max Topic Message Count

The maximum message count in a subscription queue for a topic

Min Topic Message Count

The minimum message count in a subscription queue for a topic

Subscription Count

The total subscription count for a topic

Current Topic Message Count

Total messages in all subscription queues for a topic

Node Resync

Scheduled Resync Failure

Count of failed scheduled resynchronizations

Scheduled Resync Processed

Count of processed scheduled resynchronizations

Scheduled Resync Received

Count of scheduled resynchronizations received

Unscheduled Resync Failure

Count of unscheduled resynchronizations

Unscheduled Resync Processed

Count of processed unscheduled resynchronizations

Unscheduled Resync Received

Count of unscheduled resynchronizations received

XML API Find Request

Average Request Response Time

Average find request execution time

Maximum Request Response Time

Maximum find request execution time

Minimum Request Response Time

Minimum find request execution time

Requests Failed

Count of find requests that failed execution

Requests Passed

Count of successfully executed find requests

Requests Pending

Count of find requests that are being executed

Requests Received

Count of received find requests; each request is executed upon receipt

XML API Find To File Request

Asynchronous Requests Failed

Count of asynchronous findToFile requests that failed execution or were rejected due to queue size exceeded

Asynchronous Requests Passed

Count of successfully queued and executed asynchronous findToFile requests

Asynchronous Request sPending

Count of asynchronous findToFile requests that are queued or being executed

Asynchronous Requests Queued

Count of queued asynchronous findToFile requests

Asynchronous Requests Received

Count of received asynchronous findToFile requests; Asynchronous requests are queued while awaiting execution

Asynchronous Requests Rejected Maximum Queue Size Exceeded

Count of asynchronous findToFile requests rejected because the maximum queue size is exceeded

Average Request Response Time

Average findToFile request execution time; queued time is included for asynchronous requests

Maximum Request Response Time

Maximum findToFile request execution time; queued time is included for asynchronous requests

Minimum Request Response Time

Minimum findToFile request execution time; queued time is included for asynchronous requests

Synchronous Requests Failed

Count of synchronous findToFile requests that failed execution

Synchronous Requests Passed

Count of successfully executed synchronous findToFile requests

Synchronous Requests Pending

Count of synchronous findToFile requests that are being executed

Synchronous Requests Received

Count of received synchronous findToFile requests; each synchronous request is executed upon receipt

XML API Request

Average Request Response Time

Average request execution time; includes execution time of failed requests, and excludes execution time of asynchronous findToFile requests

Maximum Request Response Time

Maximum request execution time; includes execution time of failed requests, and excludes execution time of asynchronous findToFile requests

Minimum Request Response Time

Minimum request execution time; includes execution time of failed requests, and excludes execution time of asynchronous findToFile requests

Requests Failed

Count of failed XML API requests, excluding failed asynchronous findToFile requests

Requests Passed

Count of successfully executed XML API requests

Requests Pending

Count of XML API requests that are being executed, excluding queued and executing asynchronous findToFile requests

Requests Received

Count of received XML API requests; each request is executed immediately upon receipt

Requests Rejected Maximum Connections Exceeded

Count of requests rejected because the maximum number of connections is exceeded

Requests Rejected Maximum User Connections Exceeded

Count of requests rejected because the maximum number of connections for one user is exceeded

Server Memory

Committed Heap Memory

Total amount of memory allocated for use by code

Committed Non Heap Memory

Initial amount of memory allocated to the heap

Init Heat Memory

Initial amount of memory allocated to the heap

Init Non Heap Memory

Initial amount of memory allocated for use by code

Max Heap Memory

Maximum number of kbytes occupied by the heap

Max Non Heap Memory

Maximum number of kbytes occupied by the code

Used Heap Memory

Number of kbytes currently occupied by the heap

Used Non Heap Memory

Number of kbytes currently occupied by code


Dropped Backpressure

Count of traps dropped due to back pressure from the server

Dropped Duplicate

Count of duplicate traps dropped

Dropped Full Resync

Count of traps dropped during a full resynchronization

Dropped Not Managed

Count of traps dropped from unmanaged NEs

Dropped Out of Sequence

Count of out of sequence traps dropped

Dropped Trap Disabled

Count of disabled traps dropped

Dropped Trap Unspecified

Count of unspecified traps dropped


Count of incoming traps

Statistics Collection

Accounting Stats Failure

Number of accounting statistics files that have not been processed due to errors related to transfer or parsing

Accounting Stats Pending

Number of accounting statistics data rows that have been read but not processed

Accounting Stats Processed

Number of accounting statistics data rows processed and converted to NFM-P statistics records

Accounting Stats Total

Total number of accounting statistics data rows read from accounting files

File Accounting Stats Pending

Number of accounting files transferred from NEs and waiting to be processed

File Accounting Stats Processed

Number of accounting statistics files that have been read and processed into NFM-P statistics records

File Accounting Stats Total

Total number of accounting statistics files that have been transferred from the NEs

Scheduled Polling Stats Pending

Number of scheduled performance statistics rows read from the NEs and waiting to be processed

Scheduled Polling Stats Processed

Number of scheduled performance statistics rows processed and saved to the database

Scheduled Polling Stats Records

Number of scheduled performance statistics records created through statistics processing; in some case, processing one row of statistics from an NE might result in multiple NFM-P statistics records

Scheduled Polling Stats Total

Total number scheduled performance statistics rows read from NEs

Scheduled Stats Failure

Number of scheduled performance statistics collection attempts that have failed due to errors related to reading values from the NE

Unscheduled Polling Stats Pending

Number of on-demand performance statistics rows read from the NEs and waiting to be processed

Unscheduled Polling Stats Processed

Number of on-demand performance statistics rows processed and converted to NFM-P statistics records

Statistics Collection

Unscheduled Polling Stats Records

Number of on-demand performance statistics records created through statistics processing; in some cases, processing one row of statistics from an NE might result in multiple NFM-P statistics records

Unscheduled Polling Stats Total

Total number of on-demand performance statistics rows read from NEs

Unscheduled Stats Failure

Number of on-demand performance statistics collection attempts that have failed due to errors related to reading values from the NE

STM Event

Files Received Count

Number of files received

Result Processed Count

Number of processed results

Files Received Count Periodic

Number of files received since the last period

Result Processed Count Periodic

Number of processed results since the last period


Alarm Skipped

Number of TCAs not executed because the maximum number of alarms is reached


Number of TCAs executed


Number of TCAs cleared


Number of custom TCAs created for execution

Custom Executed

Number of custom TCA rules executed

Custom Pending

Number of custom TCAs created but not yet executed


Number of TCAs raised because of a delta


Number of drop TCAs created for execution

Drop Executed

Number of drop TCA rules executed

Drop Pending

Number of drop TCAs created but not yet executed


Number of error TCAs created for execution

Error Executed

Number of error TCA rules executed

Error Pending

Number of error TCAs created but not yet executed


Number of utilization TCAs created for execution

Utilization Executed

Number of utilization TCA rules executed

Utilization Pending

Number of utilization TCAs created but not yet executed