Nokia internal statistics


Internal statistics are server performance statistics that track information related to core NFM-P processes. The information provided by these statistics is best used in conjunction with Nokia technical support. For more information about internal statistics, please contact your Nokia support representative. Table 10-10, Internal statistics describes the internal statistics.

NFM-P publisher events

Several internal statistics track the publishing of event messages in the NFM-P, and the status of the publisher queues. Event messages are in XML format and carry information about events in the NFM-P or changes in the database - for example, a user deleting one or more network objects triggers the creation of a Delete Event Vessel event, containing information about the deleted objects. Event messages are sent to the publisher queues and distributed throughout the NFM-P system. The statistics in this section provide information about event messages and the status of the publisher queue. For more information about using NFM-P XML events, see the NSP NFM-P XML API Developer Guide.

Some internal statistics are simple counts of the number of event messages published during the collection period, and may not directly correlate to the number of times the triggering event occurred. For example, deleting several objects simultaneously publishes a single Delete Event Vessel event containing all the deleted objects.

Table 10-10: Internal statistics

Server performance statistics class

Counter name

Counter description

Publisher Map Event

Edge List Event Count

Count of Edge List Events published. This event is triggered when and edge group is modified, for example when the group acquires new child objects.

Edge Status Event Count

Count of Edge Status Events published. This event is triggered when the status of an edge group changes.

Incremental Event Count

Count of Incremental Event Count events published. This event is triggered when a client requests incremental command notification.

Incremental Highlight Event Count

Count of Incremental Highlight Events published. This event is triggered when a client requests incremental command notification for highlighting.

Map Service Event Count

Abstract count of all publisher map service events. For more information about publisher map service events, contact your Nokia service representative.

Vertex Status Event Count

Count of Vertex Status Events published.This event is triggered when the status of a vertex changes.

Vertex Topology Event Count

Count of Vertex Topology Events published. This event is triggered by changes to a topology map, for example when an edge, vertex or group is created or modified.

Vertex Tree Event Count

Count of Vertex Tree Events published. This event is triggered by changes to a topology tree, for example when a vertex or group is added to or removed from the tree

View Event Count

Count of View Events published. This event is triggered by updates to the topology map view and sending view messages.

Publisher Object Event

Attribute Value Change Context Event Count

Count of Attribute Value Change Context events published. This event is triggered by changing the attributes of an object, and contains additional attribute information for context.

Delete Event Vessel Count

Count of Delete Event Vessel events published. This event is triggered when an object is deleted, and contains lists of objects to be deleted.

Event Vessel Count

Count of event lists sent using the EventVessel event.

File Available Event Count

Count of File Available Events events published. This event is triggered when the target of an asynchronous findToFile request becomes available.

Olc Update Completed Event Count

Count of Olc Update Completed events published. This event is triggered by successful updates to the OLC State of an object.

Text Message Event Count

Count of Text Message Events published. This event is triggered when an NFM-P text message is sent to a user using the text message function.

Publisher Queue

Object Event In Publisher Queue

Number of outstanding events in the object publisher queue

Reatime Event In Publisher Queue

Number of outstanding events in the real-time publisher queue

Xml Event In Publisher Queue

Number of outstanding events in the XML publisher queue

Publisher Realtime Event

Realtime Data Communication Failure Count

Count of realtime statistic collection failures caused by a communication error with the node

Realtime Data Event Count

Count of Realtime Data Events published. This event is triggered when a graph data point is sent.

Realtime Data Failure Count

Count of realtime statistic collection failures caused by the node failing to retrieve a statistic value.

Realtime Data Missed Event Count

Count of Realtime Data Missed Events published. This event is triggered when a realtime statistic collection fails due to the NFM-P not receiving the data within the configured collection interval.

Publisher XML Event

Alarm Status Change Event Count

Count of Alarm Status Change Events. This event is triggered by changes to the status of an alarm or alarm aggregate.

Attribute Value Change Event Count

Count of Attribute Value Change Events published. This event is triggered by changing the attributes of an object, and contains information about the changes.

DB Activity Event Count

Count of database switchovers and failover notifications sent using the DBActivityEvent event. This event is triggered when a switchover or failover begins, and again when it ends.

Db Connection State Change Event Count

Count of Db Connection State Change Events published. This event is triggered by changes to the database connection state, such as the connection going down or being placed on standby.

Db Error Event Count

This counter is not currently used by any function.

Db Proxy State Change Event Count

Count Db Proxy State Change Events published. This event is triggered by changes to the status of the NFM-P database proxy.

Deployer Event Count

Count of Deployer Events published. This event is triggered by attempting to deploy an object.

Event Vessel Average Size

Average size of event vessels

Db Error Event Count

This counter is not currently used by any function.

Db Proxy State Change Event Count

Count Db Proxy State Change Events published. This event is triggered by changes to the status of the NFM-P database proxy.

Deployer Event Count

Count of Deployer Events published. This event is triggered by attempting to deploy an object.

Event Vessel Average Size

Average size of event vessels

Event Vessel Count

Count of event vessels sent

Event Vessel Max Size

Size, in bytes, of largest event vessel sent

Event Vessel Min Size

Size, in bytes, of smallest event vessel sent

Publisher XML Event

Exception Event Count

Count of generic exception events

Filter Change Event Count

Count of changes to the registration filter for a subscribed client

Keep Alive Event Count

Count of Keep Alive events, sent every five minutes to the OSS.

Log File Available Event Count

Count of LogFileAvailableEvent events published. This event is triggered when the target of a LogToFile request becomes available.

Managed Route Event Count

Count of changes to routes managed by the CPAM

Object Creation Event Count

Count of objects created in the NFM-P

Object Deletion Event Count

Count of objects deleted in the NFM-P

Relationship Change Event Count

Count Relationship Change Events published. This event is triggered by changes to the relationships between objects, such as adding or deleting a relationship.

Script Execution Event Count

Count of scripts executed

State Change Event Count

Count of stateChangeEvent events sent, containing changes to the state of an object.

Stats Event Count

Count of Stats Events published. This event is triggered when a polling interval begins or ends.

Terminate Client Session Count

Count of Terminate Client Session events published. This event is sent to close a client session.