To view service accounting statistics


Choose Manage→Service→Services from the NFM-P main menu. The Manage Services form opens.

Specify a filter to create a filtered list of services and click Search. A list of services is displayed.

Select a service in the list and click Properties. The service properties form opens.

Click on the L2 Access Interfaces or L3 Access Interfaces tab, as required, to display a list of access interfaces.

Select an interface in the list and click Properties. The appropriate access interface properties form opens.

Click on the Statistics tab.

Choose a statistics class from the object drop-down menu.

Specify a filter to create a filtered list of statistics classes, if required.

Click Search. A list of statistics records is displayed.


Identify a statistics record to view.


Perform one of the following:

  1. Scroll horizontally to view the statistics counter values for the statistics record.

  2. Open the statistics record to view it.

    1. Select the statistics record and click Properties. The Statistics Record form opens.

    2. View the statistics record.

    3. Click Close to close the Statistics Record form.


Save your changes and close the forms.

End of steps