To export IPDR statistics files to a different format



Data Loss

The tool used in the procedure deletes all .xdr files in the output directory before starting the export operation.

If the output directory contains files that you want to retain, copy the files to another location before you use the tool.

Use this procedure to convert XDR-encoded IPDR statistics files to a different format for compatibility with an OSS application.

Note: If you use the GUI version of the tool over a remote connection, you must first enable X.11 or native X display redirection on the main server as the root user.

Note: You require root user privileges and full access permissions on the input and output directories that you specify.

Note: Command lines use the # symbol to represent the RHEL CLI prompt for the root user. Do not type the leading # symbol when you enter a command.


Log in to the NFM-P main server station as the root user.

Open a console window.

To export files using the CLI-based tool, perform the following steps.

  1. Enter the following:

    /opt/nsp/nfmp/server/nms/bin/ipdrDecode.bash input_dir output_dir format


    input_dir is the absolute path of a directory that contains the IPDR files to export, or the absolute path of a file to export

    output_dir is the directory that is to contain the exported files

    format is the output file format, either txt or xml; if omitted, the default is xml

    The following message and prompt are displayed:

    INFO: This utility decodes all *.xdr files in the specified directory.

    Do you wish to proceed <y/n> ?

  2. Enter y ↵.

    The tool begins to convert and export files. As each file is processed, messages like the following are displayed:

    Decoding file...

    ...finished successfully!

    The export of all files is complete when the following is displayed:

    ...finished decoding!

To export files using the GUI-based tool, perform the following steps.

  1. Enter the following:

    /opt/nsp/nfmp/server/nms/bin/ipdrDecodeGui.bash ↵

    The following message and prompt are displayed:

    INFO: This utility decodes all *.xdr files in the specified directory.

    Do you wish to proceed <y/n> ?

  2. Enter y ↵.

    The IPDR/XDR File Decoder window opens.

  3. Use the Output Format drop-down to specify the required output file format.

  4. To convert and export one file, click Decode a File... and use the file browser form that opens to choose an input file.

  5. To convert and export all files in a directory, click Decode XDR Files in Dir... and use the file browser form that opens to choose an input directory.

  6. The tool begins to convert and export files. As each file is processed, messages like the following are displayed:

    Decoding file...

    ...finished successfully!

    The export of all files is complete when the following is displayed:

    ...finished decoding!

  7. Close the IPDR/XDR File Decoder window.

Close the console window.

End of steps