How do I view reporting data on transport slices?

Reporting data for transport slices can be viewed in Analytics Reports, which you can cross-launch from the Transport Slices section of the TSC.


Select “Transport Slice Detail” for a specific transport slice to navigate to the details view. You have two options for doing this:

  • Under Transport Slices Overview, find the required transport slice in the Transport Slices panel, click png11.png, and select “Transport Slice Detail”.

  • Under Transport Slices Overview, click on the bubble that contains the required transport slice. The view scrolls to the Transport Slices panel in the Data Page. In this list, find the required transport slice and click the “Transport Slice Detail” button.

The details for the transport slice are now displayed in Transport Slice section.

In the Transport Slice section, go to the Transport Slice panel.

Click Go to Reports. The Analytics Reports view opens. See the NSP Data Collection and Analysis Guide for more information about using this NSP function.

End of steps