To verify connectivity for all egress points in a service using MEF MAC Ping


Choose Tools→Service Test Manager (STM) from the NFM-P main menu. The Manage Tests form appears.

Click Create.

Choose L2 Service→Create MEF MAC Ping from the Create contextual menu. The MEF MAC Ping (Create) form appears.

Clear the results from the previous diagnostic session from the Results tab, if necessary.

Note: MEF MAC Ping must run simultaneously in both directions between the source and destination VPLS sites.

Configure the required parameters for the diagnostic session and run the diagnostic.

You can target the specific MAC address of a service site. Enter the target MAC address of the specific site in the service that you want to ping.

Click on the Results tab to view the list of ping responses. Double-click on a row in the list to view its details.

Review the results and assess whether the configuration meets the network requirements.

In particular, review the results in the Return Code column. The table below lists the displayed messages.

Table 6-2: MEF MAC Ping OAM diagnostic results

Displayed message (return code)


responseReceived (1)

A response was received on the device to the OAM diagnostic performed.

requestTimedOut (5)

The OAM diagnostic could not be completed because no reply was received within the allocated timeout period.

Review the diagnostic results and assess whether the configuration meets the network requirements.

  1. If MEF MAC Ping diagnostics returned the expected results for the configuration of your network, go to Stage 7 a in Workflow to troubleshoot a service or connectivity problem.

End of steps