To verify the end-to-end connectivity of a service tunnel using Tunnel Ping


Choose Manage→Service Tunnels from the NFM-P main menu. The Manage Service Tunnels form appears.

Filter to list only the source and destination routers of the service tunnel and click Search. The list of service tunnels appears.

Double-click on a service tunnel from the list. The Tunnel (Edit) form appears.

Click on the Tests tab.

Click on the Tunnel Ping tab and click Create. The Tunnel Ping (Create) form appears with the General tab displayed. The form displays information about the circuit being tested, including the originating tunnel ID.

Note: You must use the Tunnel Ping diagnostic to test the service in both directions for the connection.

Configure the required parameters for the diagnostic session as follows.

  • The Return Tunnel parameter must specify the return tunnel ID number, because the tunnels are unidirectional.

  • From the Test Parameters tab, the Forwarding Class parameter must specify the forwarding class for the service tunnel. Make sure that the forwarding classes for the service tunnels map to the QoS parameters configured for customer services, such as VLL.

  • The Number of Test Probes and Probe Interval parameters must be configured to send multiple probes.

Run the diagnostic. Set the diagnostic configuration for a Tunnel Ping from site ID to site ID using the network in Figure 6-1, Sample network , by specifying the return ID of the tunnel you want to test.

Click on the Results tab to view the list of trace responses. Double-click on a row in the list to view its details. Double-click on the entry in the Tunnel Ping results form to view the diagnostic details.

Review the diagnostic results and assess whether the configuration meets the network requirements.

The table below lists the displayed messages.

Table 6-4: Tunnel OAM diagnostic results

Displayed message


Request Timeout

The request timed out with a reply.

Orig-SDP Non-Existent

The request was not sent because the originating SDP does not exist.

Orig-SDP Admin-Down

The request was not sent because the originating SDP administrative state is Down.

Orig-SDP Oper-Down

The request was not sent because the originating SDP operational state is Down.

Request Terminated

The operator terminated the request before a reply was received, or before the timeout of the request occurred.

Far End: Originator-ID Invalid

The request was received by the far-end, but the far-end indicates that the originating SDP ID is invalid.

Far End: Responder-ID Invalid

The request was received by the far-end, but the responder ID is not the same destination SDP ID that was specified.

Far End:Resp-SDP Non-Existent

The reply was received, but the return SDP ID used to respond to the request does not exist.

Far End:Resp-SDP Invalid

The reply was received, but the return SDP ID used to respond to the request is invalid.

Far End:Resp-SDP Down

The reply was received, but the return SDP ID indicates that the administrative or operational state of the SDP is Down.


The tunnel is in service and working as expected. A reply was received without any errors.

  1. If the Tunnel Ping passes, the network objects below the tunnel are operating with no performance issues.

  2. If the Tunnel Ping fails, go to Stage 7 b 3 of Workflow to troubleshoot a service or connectivity problem to verify the end-to-end connectivity of services using MPLS LSP paths, if required.

If the service problem persists, another type of service problem may be present. Perform the steps of Workflow to troubleshoot a service or connectivity problem .


If the troubleshooting workflow does not identify the problem with your service, contact your technical support representative; see Chapter 1, NSP troubleshooting overview.

End of steps