To set highlight colors and fonts for LogViewer components and levels


Perform this procedure to set highlight colors and fonts for the various LogViewer components and levels.


Open the LogViewer GUI.

Choose Edit→Preferences→Highlight Colors from the LogViewer main menu. The Highlight Color Selection form opens.

Set the item for which you want to specify colors and/or fonts by choosing it from the Component/Level drop-down menu.

For the item that you want to change, choose the foreground or background plane as required, by clicking on the appropriate tab. The foreground is the text contained in a field. The background is the fill color of the field behind the text.

For foreground text items, set the font type, style, and size, as required.

For either foreground or background items, set the color as required. You can choose a color from the samples shown on the Swatch tab, or you can specify a color by entering its red, green, and blue values in the RGB tab.

Previews of your choices appear in the sample fields at the bottom of the form.

Click OK to save your settings.

End of steps