Workspace customization

General information

A workspace is a configuration of the main NFM-P GUI elements, such as the window layout or menu options. System-defined workspaces are provided, but you can also create and save your own customized workspaces to simplify navigation and operation according to your requirements.

There are three types of workspaces:

You can customize the following workspace elements:

You can create new custom workspaces based on a system-defined workspace or on another custom workspace, and you can modify existing custom workspaces. You must have the required scope of command permissions to create or modify public workspaces. Scope of command roles and user group workspace permissions are defined by a system administrator.

You can save custom workspaces by exporting them to a specified directory. You can share these saved workspaces with another user or reuse these saved workspaces by importing them into another NFM-P server.

Later releases of the NFM-P may contain newly-introduced menu items that are not in the custom workspaces of an earlier release. You can add new menu items to custom workspaces that were exported in an earlier release and then imported in a later release. For convenience, the NFM-P separately lists the newly-introduced menu items; see To add new menu items to a custom workspace of an earlier NFM-P release .

The workspace selector located in the upper right-hand corner of the screen contains a list of system-defined and custom workspaces, and allows you to replace the current workspace with another from this list. You can add or remove custom workspaces in the workspace selector, and change the order in which workspaces appear in the list. See To configure the workspace selector and To apply a different workspace using the workspace selector .

Note: Custom settings for tabs on configuration forms are saved as user preferences. They are not configured or saved as part of custom workspaces. See To set local tab preferences for configuration forms and To temporarily display hidden tabs on property forms .