To list and save SNMP MIB information


You can list and save SNMP MIB information, which may be of use for purposes such as the following:

  • to maintain a record of the SNMP MIBs that the NFM-P supports

  • to compare SNMP MIB support between NFM-P releases

  • to identify the polling interval for a MIB entry


Choose Administration→Mediation from the NFM-P main menu. The Mediation (Edit) form opens.

Click on the MIB Entry Policies tab.

View the polling interval for a MIB entry.

  1. Select a MIB entry and click Properties. The MIB Entry Policy (Edit) form opens.

  2. View the polling interval setting in the Configuration panel.

  3. Close the form.

Sort the list according to the contents of a column by clicking on the column header.

Save the listed information to a file.

  1. Right-click on a column header and choose Save to File. The Save As form opens.

  2. Use the form to specify the file that is to contain the saved information.

  3. Click Save. The information is saved to the specified file.

Close the form.

End of steps