To configure a system resource profile policy for the 7210 SAS-R/T/Mxp, 7210 SAS-S/Sx, or 7210 SAS-S/Sx VC


System resource profiles for the 7210 SAS-R/T/Mxp, 7210 SAS-S/Sx or 7210 SAS-S/Sx VC are configured using the NFM-P policy distribution framework (except for the G8032 Fast Flood, VPLS Up MEP Resource, and Router functions; see To configure the global system resource profile on a 7210 SAS or 7250 IXR ). See Chapter 49, Policies overview for more information about NFM-P policies. You can configure up to 16 system resource profile policies and distribute them to 7210 SAS-R/T/Mxp, 7210 SAS-S/Sx or 7210 SAS-S/Sx VC devices. A selected policy is assigned to the card slot of the device; see To select system resource profile policies for the 7210 SAS-R or 7210 SAS-S/Sx VC .

To configure port-based scheduling on the 7210 SAS-R using the system resource profile, see To configure port-based scheduling on the 7210 SAS .

Note: The Total QoS Resource and MAC Authentication parameters are not supported on 7210 SAS-S/Sx VC.

See System resource profile in 7210 SAS and the NE documentation for more information about system resource allocation.


Choose Policies→QoS→SROS QoS→7210 System Resource Profile Policy from the NFM-P main menu. The 7210 System Resource Profile Policies form opens.

Click Create or choose a policy and click Properties.

Configure the required parameters.

When the policy is assigned to a card slot and the SAP Aggregate Meter parameter is modified, you must reboot the card or the node for the modified value to take effect.

To enable Primary VLAN for egress MIPs on supporting 7210 SAS-R or 7210 SAS-S/Sx VC NEs, you must allocate resources to the Bi Directional MIP Egress parameter.

In the SAP Ingress Internal ACL panel, the sum of the values for the MAC Resource, IPv4 Resource, 64-bit IPv6 Resource, and 128-bit IPv4/v6 Resource parameters must not be greater than the value specified for the Total ACL Resource parameter.

In the SAP Egress Internal ACL panel, the sum of the values for the MAC Resource, MAC/IPv4 Resource, 128-bit IPv6 Resource, and 64-bit MAC/IPv6 Resource parameters must not be greater than the value specified for the Total ACL Resource parameter.

In the SAP Ingress QoS Resources panel, the sum of the values for the MAC Resource, MAC/IPv4 Resource, and 64-bit MAC/IPv4/v6 Resource parameters must not be greater than the value specified for the Total QoS Resource parameter.

The sum of the values for the Down MEP Resource and Up MEP Resource parameters must not be greater than the value for the Total CFM Resource parameter.

Each 128-bit address consumes two entries of the available entry resources.

To configure MAC authentication, set the Ingress MAC Authentication Resource and Egress MAC Authentication Resource parameters to 1 in the MAC Authentication panel.

Save your changes and close the form. See To release and distribute a policy to distribute the policy to NEs.

End of steps