To view LSPs created by One-hop P2P and Mesh P2P templates


Dynamic LSPs are automatically created when you use CLI to create and distribute a One-hop P2P, Mesh P2P, or SR TE LSP template, and then associate the LSP template with an auto-LSP. Perform the following procedure to view the LSPs that are automatically created by the templates.

Note: The dynamically-created LSPs cannot be associated with SDPs, and are not listed when you are creating an SDP.


Choose Manage→MPLS→Dynamic LSPs from the NFM-P main menu. The Manage Dynamic LSPs form opens.

Choose one of the following from the Type column drop-down menu.

  • One-Hop Point-To-Point

  • Mesh Point-To-Point

  • Segment Routing

Click on Search to display a list of Dynamic LSPs.

Select an LSP and click Properties. The properties form for the object appears.

View the information on the various tabs, as required.

Close the forms.

End of steps