To stop a policy distribution currently in progress


This procedure presumes you have initiated the distribution of a policy as described in To release and distribute a policy . To stop an ongoing policy distribution process, you must be in the Release or Distribute window, depending on whether you are currently releasing a draft policy or distributing a released policy. Stopping the release and distribution of multiple policies is also supported using this procedure.


Click Stop Distribute in the Release or Distribute window to halt the currently ongoing process. A confirmation message appears.

Click Yes to stop the distribution.

When the distribution is stopped, the Status column in the Selected Objects pane is updated with the current task status.

The status will indicate Succeeded for the policies that were successfully deployed to the targeted NEs.

The status will indicate Aborted for those policies that were not distributed.

If you want to continue the distribution, click Re-enabled Distribute. The NFM-P takes the list of aborted tasks and invokes the distribute function on them again.

When the distribution action is complete, the Status column in the Selected Objects pane is updated.

Close the policy manager form.

End of steps