To configure a scheduler policy


Choose Policies→QoS→SROS QoS→Scheduler→Scheduler from the NFM-P main menu. The Scheduler Policies form opens.

Click Create or choose a policy and click Properties. The Scheduler Policy (Create|Edit) form opens.

Configure the required parameters and click Apply.

Click on the Schedulers tab and click Create. The Entry, Scheduler Policy (Create) form opens.

The scheduler defines bandwidth control that limits each child (other schedulers and queues) that are associated with the scheduler.

Configure the required parameters.

The Limit Unused Bandwidth parameter appears only when the Tier parameter is set to 1.

The Parent Scheduler panel and its parameters appear only when the Port Parent parameter is set to false.

The Tier parameter identifies the level of hierarchy with which a group of schedulers is associated. A parent is tier 1. Children are tier 2. Grandchildren are tier 3. You can create a tier 2 child scheduler without creating a parent tier 1 scheduler, and you can create a grandchild tier 3 scheduler without creating a child tier 2 scheduler.

Click OK to save the policy and close the form, or click Apply to save the policy. See To release and distribute a policy to distribute the policy to NEs.

End of steps