To configure an AS Path Group policy


Choose Policies→Routing→AS Path Group from the NFM-P main menu. The Routing Policy - AS Path Groups form opens.

Click Create or choose a policy and click Properties. The Routing Policy - AS Path Group, Global Policy form opens.

Configure the required parameters on the General tab.

Note: You must create at least one AS Path Group Entry for this policy type.

Click on the AS Path Group Entries tab and click Create. The AS Path Group Entry, Site form opens.

  1. Configure the required parameters. If the Regular Expression you enter is invalid, then the OK and Apply buttons are disabled.

  2. Save you changes and close the form. The Routing Policy - AS Path Group, Global Policy form reappears.

Save your changes and close the form. See To release and distribute a policy to release and distribute the policy to NEs.

Note: A routing policy is discovered as local edit only. To synchronize a routing policy with all NEs, you must change the distribution mode of the routing policy to sync with the global policy. See To change the distribution mode of a policy to change the distribution mode of a routing policy.

End of steps