OAM diagnostic test workflow


Note: The tests mentioned in this workflow are generally used on an as-required (on-demand) basis. However, certain tests (for example, PM Session tests) can also be run on a scheduled (proactive) basis.

There are some user and system preferences that can change the operational behavior of OAM diagnostic tests such as specifying the default retention time for db test results or specifying OAM diagnostic test limits. See the STM chapter workflow in STM workflow for more information.

Not all service assurance tools are applicable to every NE managed by the NFM-P.


Create the transport network and customer services that you want to monitor or troubleshoot. See the appropriate service management chapter in this guide.

Review a typical OAM diagnostic test configuration that illustrates how you can use multiple OAM tests to verify service creation and diagnose service problems; see Sample OAM diagnostic test configuration .

As required, review both the generic and device-specific STM implementation samples in Chapter 89, Service Test Manager to help you understand how the various OAM diagnostics tests can be used to verify or monitor service operation, monitor and identify network problems.

If the OAM diagnostic test being configured is part of an STM test policy or STM test suite, review the STM chapter workflow to determine any prerequisite or post-requirement configuration requirements; see STM workflow . Also see Chapter 92, Performance Monitoring tests for information regarding the PM Session tests.

If a service needs to be tested or monitored for SLA compliance, or a customer service is compromised and corrective action is required, use the appropriate OAM diagnostic test to analyze, verify, or troubleshoot the problem. See Table 90-1, NFM-P supported OAM diagnostic tests and configurations for a list of all NFM-P supported OAM diagnostic tests and their applicable procedures (covers To create and run a Global MEG OAM diagnostic test from the STM to To run a one-time validation test on a service in this chapter and To configure a CFM DMM session OAM diagnostic test from the STM to To configure a TWAMP Light session OAM diagnostic test from the STM in Chapter 92, Performance Monitoring tests ).

If a running OAM diagnostic test needs to be halted, you can click Stop Execution available on the test form. The test’s Result Status will indicate Skipped. The Stop Execution button is also available when running PM Session tests and on test suite forms.