To configure and run an OmniSwitch OAM diagnostic ping test CLI script



Network Damage

Scripts that are not correctly created or applied can cause serious damage to the network.

Nokia recommends that system administrators clearly define user responsibilities for CLI script usage, and ensure that scripts are verified and validated before they are executed on devices in a live network.


The following procedure describes how to create and run an OmniSwitch OAM diagnostic ping test using the script created using To create an OmniSwitch ping or traceroute OAM diagnostic test using a CLI script .


Ensure that the mediation policy for each OmniSwitch target is configured with the correct user name and password for CLI communication. See To configure device mediation .

Choose Tools→Scripts from the NFM-P main menu. The Scripts form opens.

Choose CLI Script (script) from the object drop-down menu.

Configure the filter criteria. A list of scripts appears at the bottom of the Scripts form.

Double-click on the OmniSwitch ping script that you created using To create an OmniSwitch ping or traceroute OAM diagnostic test using a CLI script . The CLI Script (Edit) form opens.

Click on the Targets tab.

Click Create. The Target Configuration form opens.

Click Create. The Select Network Elements form opens.

Choose one or more OmniSwitch devices and click OK. The Select Network Elements form closes, and the OmniSwitch NEs are listed on the Target Configuration form.


Configure the test parameters.

  1. Choose a target from the Target List panel.

  2. Configure the required parameters.

  3. Click Apply To Selected.

  4. Repeat Step 10 1 to Step 10 3 to configure additional targets, if required.

  5. Click OK to close the Target Configuration form. The CLI Script (Edit) form opens with the Targets tab displayed.


To run the script on specified targets, choose one or more entries from the list.


Click execute. The results of the test appear in the form.


Perform one of the following to view the results of the scripts:

  1. Choose a target from the list. The results of the script that was run on the specified target appears in the panel below the list.

    Perform the following:

    1. Click Save Result to save the results to the result manager. A dialog box appears. Click OK.


      You can save the results of multiple scripts to the result manager simultaneously; choose the entries in the list and click Save Result.

    2. Export the results to a local or network text file.

    3. Click Export. A dialog box appears and prompts you to choose a file storage location on the network.

    4. Scroll to the location in which you want to save the text file, and enter a filename in the appropriate field.

    5. Click Export. The results text file is saved in the specified location.

  2. Choose one or more entries from the list and click View Selected. The View Selected form opens and displays the results of the script. The results for each target are separated by a comment that indicates the script version, associated target, script status, run time and date, and script parameters.

    Perform the following:

    1. Export the results of the script to a local or network text file. Choose File→Export from the Editor menu, or click Export. A dialog box appears and prompts you to choose a file storage location in the network. Scroll to the location in which you want to save the text file, and enter a filename in the appropriate field. Click Export. The results text file is saved in the specified location.

    2. Choose File→Close from the View Selected form to close the View Selected form.


Click OK or Cancel to close the CLI Script (Edit) form.


Close the Scripts form.

End of steps