XML method schema files
XML methods are defined in PackageNameMethods.xsd files. All method definitions begin with a header containing:
The following figure is an example of a method definition header for the clearFaults method of the FaultManager class in the fm package.
Figure 10-1: Sample fm.FaultManager.clearFaultsOnObject method definition header
<!-- |
= fm.FaultManager.clearFaultsOnObject |
= |
= This method clears the faults raised against the base instance that matches |
the faultFilter criteria. |
= |
= |
= [IN] |
= deployer - Deployer |
= The deployment state. |
= |
= synchronousDeploy - xsd:boolean |
= (optional) Specify whether to block until the changes have been |
= fully deployed to network. A value of "true" means to block. |
= A value of "false" means to return immediately. |
= Default: false (asynchronous) |
= |
= clearOnDeployFailure - xsd:boolean |
= (optional) Specify whether clear the deployer if a failure occurs. |
= A value of "true" means to clear. |
= A value of "false" means to leave the failed deployer. |
= Default: false |
= |
= deployRetries - xsd:int |
= (optional) The number of times to attempt re-deployment during |
= synchronous deployment. This parameter is meaningless in the |
= asynchronous case. |
= Default: 0 |
= |
= deployRetryInterval - xsd:long |
= (optional) The number of milliseconds to wait between deployment |
= retries. This parameter is meaningless in the asynchronous case. |
= Default: 0 |
= |
= taskDescription - xsd:string |
= (optional) A user friendly description of what the operation does. |
= This information will be used by the task manager. |
= |
= baseInstanceFullName - xsd:string |
= Full name of the affected object on which the alarms should be cleared. |
= |
= faultFilter - FilterHolder |
= Filter applied to alarms. |
= |
= continueOnFailure - xsd:boolean |
= (Optional) Continue processing requests in this stream if an exception |
occurs, unless the request is invalid |
= |
= |
= fm.FaultManager.clearFaultsOnObjectException |
--> |
Common elements of methods
The following table describes elements that are common to all NFM-P methods.
Table 10-2: Common elements of methods
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