The OSS client cannot connect with the HTTP or JMS server


Verify that the OSS client uses the correct server IP address and port.

If connectivity problems remain, perform the following:

  • Use an ICMP ping to verify that you can ping the server from the OSS client station.

  • For XML requests, perform an XML ping. See HTTP communication with the NFM-P for more information.

  • For JMS problems:

    • Verify that the samOSS.jar file used by the OSS client application is from the NFM-P release that is on the server. The Implementation-Version in the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file in the samOss.jar indicates the NFM-P release that the jar file is from.

    • Try to create the same JMS connection using JMSTest. See To compile and connect an NFM-P JMS client for information.

    • Verify that the NFM-P credentials that the OSS JMS client uses are correct.

    • Check for any indication of errors in the NFM-P JMS server log about the OSS client connection attempt.

  • Verify that the required ports are open between the OSS client station and the server. See the NSP Planning Guide for firewall configuration information.

End of steps

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