To close a JMS client session, or remove a durable subscription


Using an account with an assigned security scope of command role, choose Administration→Security→NFM-P User Security from the NFM-P main menu. The NFM-P User Security - Security Management (Edit) form opens.

Click on the Sessions tab.

Click Search to list the current user sessions.

To close a session, select the session and click Close Session. The NFM-P terminates the session.

If the client subscription is durable, the subscription remains active and the NFM-P continues to process and store JMS messages for the client.

If the client subscription is non-durable, the subscription is removed.

To close a session and remove the associated durable subscription, select the session and click Remove Session. The NFM-P stops processing JMS messages for the client.

Close the NFM-P User Security - Security Management (Edit) form.

End of steps

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