Workflow to set up and operate an HTTP XML request-response connection


The following workflow lists the high-level steps required to set up and operate an HTTP XML request-response connection.


See Workflow to use the XML API to set up and operate the XML API.

Develop the application that requests data from, or sends data to, the XML API. See To post an XML request to the NFM-P .

  1. Construct the request by specifying:

    • methods that define the executed function

    • package classes used that define the kinds of objects, and the values of the objects (parameters) requested

    • filters to limit or customize the scope of the request

    • information structure and data types

  2. Send the request. See To post an XML request to the NFM-P .

Manage the request responses.

  1. View the error or success messages.

  2. Retrieve the data from the response.

Close the connection and release it.

Handle the retrieved information appropriately.

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