GNE profile parameter configuration
The following configuration parameters outline some of the parameters from the genericne.GenericNEProfile class required to develop an SML request that can be used to create a GNE profile. It does not include the parameters for configuring trap management and interface types.
product name - used to specify the NE Type (mandatory on create)
system object ID (mandatory on create). The system object ID can be one of the following types:
If the devices discovered by the profile are using the NFM-P script management feature, you can configure the following parameters for the CLI profile that are used for read and write CLI access:
the following CLI parameters can be configured as valid CLI commands for read and write access privileges:
See the XML API SDK Sample Code Navigator for sample XML scripts.
Note: You cannot modify the GNE type after you create the GNE profile. You must delete the GNE profile and create a new profile with the GNE type. You cannot delete the GNE profile if any NEs have been discovered using the profile.
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