Customer configuration


Customers are the service providers that pay for services from a network provider. A customer can own more than one service, but a service is owned by only one customer. Two or more services can be joined to form a composite service. The services that comprise a composite service can be owned by different customers. Customers that own services in a composite service are associated with the composite service.

Each customer is associated with a customer ID, which is assigned when the customer account is created. The customer ID can be used to modify customer information. The NFM-P has a default customer already created with a customer ID value of 1. See the NSP NFM-P Classic Management User Guide for more information about customer management.

The XML API allows you to create and manage customers of services by using the subscr package.

Customer creation parameters

Figure 19-4: Customer creation request example
<generic.GenericObject.configureChildInstance xmlns="xmlapi_1.0">

The XML request can include other contact information such as subscriberName, address, and phone number. See the XML API Reference for more information about the subscr package.

The subscriber ID can be used to modify customer information. When you associate a customer with a service, enter subscriber:${*subscriberId} to specify the subscriberPointer property of the service.

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