NFM-P object FDN changes


The NFM-P object FDNs may change between NFM-P releases. An XML API client that uses FDNs to reference NFM-P objects must update the FDNs accordingly after an NFM-P system upgrade. The FDNs that change between NFM-P releases are listed in files in the NFM-P database installation directory. There is one log file for each consecutive release transition in which an FDN changes. For example, the following FDN mapping files are created in the /opt/nsp/nfmp/db/install directory, where date is the date of the upgrade:








Note: A system upgrade automatically migrates data from the starting release to the target release without the need to upgrade to each intermediate release.

Figure 2-1: Sample FDN mapping log file
<?xml version='1.0' ?>
<version from="A.0.R1" to="B.0.R1">
<old Fdn="network:" class="ospf.Interface">
        <new Fdn="network:" class="ospf.Interface"/>
Fdn="network:" class="ospf.Neighbor">
Fdn="network:" class="ospf.Neighbor"/>
Fdn="network: 5-1" class="ospf.Md5Key">
Fdn="network:" class="ospf.Md5Key"/>
Fdn="network:" class="ospf.Interface">
Fdn="network:" class="ospf.Interface"/>
Fdn="network:" class="ospf.Md5Key">
Fdn="network:" class="ospf.Md5Key"/>

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