JMS communication

JMS connection limit

The NFM-P supports a maximum of 10 or 20 concurrent JMS connections, depending on the available system resources. See the NSP Planning Guide for the platform sizing requirements regarding the JMS connection limit.

A JMS connection attempt when the limit is reached generates the following exception:

Exception: XML API Maximum Connected Clients

Nokia recommends that an OSS should use only one JMS connection per JMS topic. When an OSS client needs to receive events from multiple JMS topics, Nokia recommends subscribing to the 5620-SAM-topic-xml-filtered topic, which supports advanced message filtering and allows an OSS to receive any required events. See JMS message filtering for information about advanced message filtering.

JMS filtering

To reduce the JMS event traffic volume, an OSS must use a JMS filter to specify the events that the OSS requires. A JMS filter must allow critical system events to pass. When an OSS client subscribes to the 5620-SAM-topic-xml-filtered topic, the client can use an advanced message filter to specify event messages. See JMS message filtering for information about advanced message filtering.

Monitoring a JMS connection

To ensure that the JMS connection is active, all incoming events including the following events must be monitored:

If no events are received for two minutes, the status of the NFM-P server must be checked.

See Connection monitoring and error recovery for more information.

JMS acknowledgment mode

The NFM-P supports the following acknowledgment modes:

Nokia recommends that OSS clients use DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE mode in a network environment with high latency to improve JMS message throughput. OSS clients using this mode must be able to handle the potential of duplicate JMS messages. See Connection monitoring and error recovery for more information.

Use the 5620-SAM-topic-xml-filtered JMS topic

Nokia recommends that OSS clients use the 5620-SAM-topic-xml-filtered topic for the following benefit:

Advanced message filtering

The JMS 5620-SAM-topic-xml-filtered topic supports advanced message filtering. Nokia recommends the following:

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