Key packages and classes


accounting package

The accounting package contains methods that you can use to define accounting policies for the collection of accounting statistics. The package contains methods for the collection of customizable accounting records.

file package

The file package contains methods that you can use to define file policies. File policies define the storage location, retention period, and rollover period for accounting statistics files on managed devices.

snmp package

The snmp package contains methods that you can use to define statistics policies. Statistics policies define the MIBs to enable for collection, and the polling interval for performance statistics on managed devices. You can also define specific objects for which to collect statistics.


log package

The log package contains the CurrentData and LogRecord abstract classes, that encapsulate collected statistics. The concrete classes that inherit from these classes are in the same packages as the target objects for which statistics are collected. For example, access egress octets that are collected on a service are in a service.AccessEgressOctetsLogRecord, which inherits from log.LogRecord. The package includes the class LogToFileManager, that stores registerLogToFile related attributes.

statistics package

The statistics package contains methods that you can use to manage the NFM-P performance monitoring statistics. Performance data is collected for alarms, memory usage, SNMP traps, statistics, and NE polling.


root package

The root package contains the findToFile and registerLogToFile/deregisterLogToFile methods that are used to retrieve statistics data. See Statistics retrieval using registerLogToFile and Statistics retrieval using findToFile for more information. See general methods and types information in the XML API Reference for information about these methods.

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