Alarm messages


An OSS needs to subscribe to JMS in order to receive the notification of new alarms or changes to existing alarms; for example, escalation, de-escalation, acknowledgement, or recurrence. See Alarm-specific header properties in JMS message filtering for information about properties that are common to all JMS events. See Table 4-3, Event header properties, alarm events for properties that are specific to fault messages.

When an alarm is raised, the NFM-P sends a JMS message with an fm.AlarmInfo structure. The following figure shows a message example for a new alarm. The fields of the AlarmInfo correspond to the properties of the new fm.AlarmObject. See the XML API Reference for fm.AlarmInfo and fm.AlarmObject information.

Figure 11-1: New alarm message example
<SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP="">
      <header xmlns="xmlapi_1.0">
      <jms xmlns="xmlapi_1.0">
               <affectedObjectDisplayedName>Port 1/1/32</affectedObjectDisplayedName>
               <applicationDomain>Physical Equipment</applicationDomain>
               <displayedName>Port 1/1/32 - network@|alarm-10-3-8</displayedName>

The following figure shows an attribute value change for a recurring alarm. Each time that the alarm recurs, the number of occurrences (both absolute and since the last clear) increment and the time last detected is updated. The following figure shows the old and new values for each of the fields. See also AttributeValueChangeEvent in Appendix B, JMS events.

Figure 11-2: Recurring alarm message example, attribute value change
<SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP="">
      <header xmlns="xmlapi_1.0">
      <jms xmlns="xmlapi_1.0">

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