OSS client alarm testing


The following functions can be used for testing fault management OSS applications: test alarms, and the JMS record and playback tool.

Test alarms

You can use the fm.FaultManager.testAlarm method to initiate an alarm that is generated by the NFM-P and sent to the OSS client using JMS. The fm.FaultManager.testAlarm method allows you to generate alarms using the NFM-P and facilitates alarm testing using an OSS client. The fm.FaultManager.testAlarm method allows you to manually generate alarms instead of using equipment traps to initiate the alarm condition.

Note: It is recommended the fm.FaultManager.testAlarm method not be used in the production environment. The alarms created using this method are not self-clearing, so must be manually cleared.

The fm.FaultManager.testAlarm method does not perform a validation to ensure that you are generating an alarm with the correct parameters for the correct object class. The generated alarm does not have any correlation, aggregation, or association relationships with other objects or alarms.

To create an alarm that simulates a real alarm, you must include the following alarm attributes when you use the fm.FaultManager.testAlarm method:

The fm.FaultManager.testAlarm method can be used in a development environment to test specific types of alarms that require real NEs, where real NEs are not accessible. It is an effective means to generate alarms and verify the alarm response output that is received by an OSS client. The following figure shows an example of how to generate a service site down alarm.

Figure 11-5: Alarm generation request example
   <fm.FaultManager.testAlarm xmlns="xmlapi_1.0">
      <additionalText>my additional text</additionalText>

The following figure shows an example of the response to the request to generate a service site down alarm.

Figure 11-6: Alarm generation response example
   <fm.FaultManager.testAlarmResponse xmlns="xmlapi_1.0"/>
JMS event recording and replay

You can use an NFM-P utility to record JMS event messages and replay the messages in a test environment. See NFM-P JMS client configuration and testing for more information.

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