Network object model


For OSS inventory management applications, OSS developers need to identify the NEs and objects that are to be managed, and understand the structure of the inventory model and the relationships between contained objects. For example, the database of a typical inventory management system includes physical device elements such as cards, ports, and links, and the associations with services and service objects.

The NFM-P models the following object types in the network:

NFM-P object hierarchy

The objectFullName element in an inventory request shows the hierarchical position of an object in the NFM-P network model. The following is an objectFullName example for a port:


The objectFullName example shows the following object containment:


The XML API object model is organized in a hierarchy that has parent-child relationships for all management objects. For detailed information about the object model, see the XML API Reference, which is described in Chapter 8, XML API Reference , and the NFM-P schema files, which are described in Chapter 10, Schema Reference .

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