Class details


Each class has a page that may include the following information:


The description provides information about the selected class. For example:

A Service Access Point identifies the customer interface point in a Routed CO VPRN solution.
Inheritance hierarchy

The inheritance hierarchy outlines the inheritance tree with the list of all classes that are extended to define a class, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 8-2: Sample inheritance hierarchy
Sample inheritance hierarchy
Direct subclass

The direct subclass lists all classes that inherit directly from the selected class, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 8-3: Sample direct subclass
Sample direct subclass
Parent hierarchy

The parent hierarchy indicates where an instance of the class may be located in the containment hierarchy, as shown in Figure 8-4, Sample parent hierarchy .

The fully distinguished name, or objectFullName, specifies the NFM-P identifier for the specific object. See Schema Reference for more information about object full name.

Figure 8-4: Sample parent hierarchy
Sample parent hierarchy
Children hierarchy

The children hierarchy lists the types of classes that may be contained in the hierarchy, for example, directly as children or indirectly as descendents, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 8-5: Sample children hierarchy
Sample children hierarchy

The format of relationships displays the relationship between the current class and other classes. The textual description is of the form:

<current-class> may be <relationship-description> <cardinality> <other-class> (<relationship-type>)


<relationship-description> is one of the following: associated with, direct parent of, direct children of, contained under, or contain

<cardinality> describes one or many

<relationships-type> is one of the following: parent-child, child-parent, implied, ancestor-descendent, or descendent-ancestor

The following figure shows an example of relationships.

Figure 8-6: Sample relationships
Sample relationships
Class type

The class type is an abstract or a non-abstract class, which is defined as:

public [abstract] class name

Abstract classes are generally used to provide common property and method inheritance for concrete classes; for example, public abstract class Vll. The following is an example of a non-abstract class: public class serviceAccessPoint.


Objects are named by concatenating the parent and relative names. The relative name of an instance may be defined as: Relative Name=[name]. For example:

Relative Name=[svc-mgr]

Class properties present in the name are identified as: ${propertyName}. For example:

Relative Name=[ospf-${version}-instance-${instanceIndex}]

Auto-generated IDs are identified with an "*", such as in ${*propertyName}.

Methods that return children

Some methods return children and some methods do not return children. These methods are denoted with the description; for example:

methodName() does not return children

For example, for netw.NetworkElement:


The Stats section lists the set of classes that monitor the class, including inherited statistics classes. The following figure shows an example.

Figure 8-7: Sample stats
Sample stats
Stats for

The Stats for section lists the set of classes that the class monitors, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 8-8: Sample stats for
Sample stats for
Supporting MIBs

The supporting MIBs section lists the MIB entries that the class reads and the supported device releases for each, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 8-9: Sample supporting MIBs
Sample supporting MIBs

The properties are listed alphabetically list of properties displayed for each class. The property definitions may include:

The following figure shows an example.

Figure 8-10: Sample properties
Sample properties
Overridden properties

A list of all properties that are overridden in this class. A property may be partly overridden and partly inherited through several classes.

Properties inherited from

Inherited and overridden properties may exist with links to definitions in other classes. Properties that are overridden by a specific class are displayed in italics. The following figure shows an example.

Figure 8-11: Sample properties inherited from
Sample properties inherited from

A list of methods is displayed for each class. The method definitions may include:

The following figure shows an example.

Figure 8-12: Sample methods
Sample methods
Methods inherited from

There may be a list of inherited methods with links to definitions in other classes. The following figure shows an example.

Figure 8-13: Sample methods inherited from
Sample methods inherited from
Supported network elements

Supported network elements is a list of products and releases that support this class. Specifications may include:

If the supported network elements list does not appear, the class may be supported for any NE.

The following figure shows an example.

Figure 8-14: Sample supported network elements
Sample supported network elements
Product specifics

Product specifics is a list of device- and release-specific properties, such as the following:

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