To create a vCPAA on a KVM hypervisor
1 |
Navigate to the desired directory on the host machine.
2 |
Create the XML file as follows:
Note: The values used in this procedure are specific to this example. The actual values must reflect the user’s setup.
<domain type="kvm">
<cpu mode="custom" match="minimum">
<vcpu current="4">4</vcpu>
<type arch="x86_64" machine="rhel7.3.0">hvm</type>
<boot dev="hd"/>
<smbios mode="emulate"/>
<clock offset="utc">
<timer name="pit" tickpolicy="delay"/>
<timer name="rtc" tickpolicy="delay"/>
<disk type="file" device="disk">
<driver name='qemu' type='qcow2' cache="none"/>
<source file="/var/lib/libvirt/images/cpaa-vm.qcow2"/>
<target dev="hda" bus="virtio"/>
</disk> --> |
3 |
In the XML file, configure the following lines to map the host physical interface to the vCPAA IP management port A/1:
<interface type="bridge">
<mac address="DE:AD:98:66:01:01:/>
<source bridge="breth0/>
<model type="virtio/>
4 |
Perform one of the following:
In the XML file, configure the following lines to map the host physical interface(s) to the vCPAA logical network interface port(s) 1/1/1...1/1/4 with the bridge interface model:
<interface type="bridge">
<mac address="DE:AD:98:66:01:02/>
<source bridge="breth1"/>
<model type="virtio"/>
In the XML file, configure the following lines to map the host physical interface(s) to the vCPAA logical network interface port(s) 1/1/1...1/1/4 with the direct interface model:
<interface type="direct">
<mac address="DE:AD:98:66:01:02/>
<source dev="eth1" mode=passthrough"/>
<model type="virtio"/>
5 |
In the XML file, configure the following lines to specify the console port of the vCPAA:
<console type="tcp">
<source mode="bind" host="" service="40066"/>
<protocol type="telnet"/>
<target port="0"/>
<alias name="serial0"/>
</console> |
6 |
In the XML file, configure the following lines to close the configuration of the vCPAA:
<seclabel type="none"/>
7 |
Save and close the XML file.
End of steps |
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