Comprehensive reports information overview
General information
Comprehensive reports support a user experience where a large quantity of network data is fetched and rendered, then sorted and filtered for data mining purposes.
Comprehensive Summary reports are tabular and typically present data in a Top-N fashion. Summary reports contain many columns in an effort to put all relevant data into the table to avoid the need for multiple reports. In some cases, there may be a need to scroll horizontally to view all columns. The tables can be sorted and filtered on any column.
Comprehensive Details reports provide a time series linear graph of one of more selected KPI. The Details reports can be run directly or as a drill-down from the Summary report. From the Summary report, clicking on a KPI in a table cell automatically launches the Details report for that KPI.
These reports filter based on network topology/grouping, by region and subregion. Weekly granularity is also provided.
Objects in subregions that are nested to three or more levels in depth are not displayed in the optional input prompts for region and subregion; they are displayed as N/A in the Region and Subregion columns in the reports. When you do not select a region or subregion, objects are displayed in the report regardless of the levels. When you select any region or subregion, the objects available are displayed.
Comprehensive reports take more time to generate or return an exception when trying to render results in one page (when you select “Show report output on one page”) for a large amount of data.
Nokia recommends the following:
Generate the reports over multiple pages, as aggregating a high number of pages of a report over a single page could take a considerable amount of time or may even fail.
For the Ports and Interfaces Utilization Summary and Ports and Interfaces Forwards and Discards per Queue Summary reports, either generate or schedule the reports for each region or subregion individually. These reports are for all ports, LAGs, bundles, Scada, channels, interface and SAPs in the network, resulting in a summary of millions of rows over thousands of pages.
Schedule report generation for regions/subregions to ensure that there are no overlaps.
Use the aggregated granularities for generating a report for a higher report range.
Track memory utilization in the auxiliary database and manually clear it to ensure that there are no hung queries after the reports are cancelled.