Uptime reports overview

General information

The Uptime reports display downtime in the HH:MM:SS format. The uptime percentage calculations use milliseconds along with the HH:MM:SS information displayed.

Uptime is calculated as follows:

Uptime %=( [Total Time-Downtime]/Total Time)*100


Downtime is the time for which the SAP or service was down

Total Time is the time span defined in the Report Range field, considering any SAP or service creation and deletion events

If a SAP or service creation or deletion occurred within the report range, the total time would be adjusted accordingly.

For example, if the report range is 10:00:00 to 15:00:00 and there is a creation event at 11:00:00 and a deletion event at 12:00:00, the total time would be from 11:00:00 to 12:00:00.

Note: Uptime percentage will be 0 when service/SAP is down and also with no outages. Same is applicable even though service/SAP is excluded.


The following tasks need to be performed using NSP Classic management for Uptime reports to be created:

Note: Customer Utilization Summary and Customer Uptime Summary reports may not complete if they are run on customers with more than 100 000 services.